The Dark Knight raked in 150 million plus knocking out Spiderman 3 in best opening day/weekend in the US Box Office. Here in the PI, I've watched it 4 times since opening day on the same theatre with different people. I get the same question - "Don't you get sick of it?" - At the end of screening they need not wait for my answer.
I have to keep repeating myself that I am absolutely a Batman fan. That's why I can't truly express the praise I want to say to Christopher Nolan, cast and crew for this particular version of my favorite super hero.
Yes, there are explosions, car chases, probably digitally rendered scenes, and Bruce Wayne gadgets and cars that will leave the freaks out there drooling. But for the first time, those things stay were it should. A backdrop and several great props to a very well-written story. The SCRIPT will cure your attention deficit disorder.
Probably the most character-driven and best Batman version - EVER, The Dark Knight finally and truly meets his arch nemesis, The Joker.
Actually, Batman takes the backseat here. Other important characters receive their well-deserved screen time.
We see a lot of Bruce Wayne. We see the flaws that made Batman so interesting as a super hero. He is after all the only HUMAN super hero big enough to join the spandex club of Superman, X-men, Spiderman etc. (We can't be too serious here, c'mon.) Christian Bale cinched Bruce Wayne. He may not be the most sexiest man alive (attention George Clooney), but he played the arrogance yet troubled billionaire with an air of believability (I think I just made up that word?)
Another character worth mentioning (since I can't mention all of them - they all did a great job mind you) is Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent/Two-Face. Far from Tommy Lee Jones's hysterical version, Eckhart - just like Batman - was the kind of guy you would vote. And in the end, you'll actually feel sorry for the guy.
Another favorite is Gary Oldman's Commisioner Gordon. We all know how much of a heavy weight Oldman is in the acting division. His performance here won't make us question it. Riveting. His final scenes were very very well-acted.
And then there is The Joker. The late Heath Ledger's performance is causing a fury of praises that some even mentioned he could be up for an Oscar. He practically stole the show from our caped crusader. If the title was not Dark Knight, I would've believed this is THE JOKER instead. It would have kicked serious villain title ass (sorry Catwoman, your movie was terrible). But let's focus here, why is everybody talking about this? To put it quite simply, there is no Joker like this ever. The other Jokers are simply ... clowns. THIS ONE'S a psychopath. A killer. A terrorist. A real MANIACAL villain. And a perfect match to this Batman. Thinking that there is no more Heath Ledger to reprise the role causes a great degree of regret because he played it so damn, bloody well. He steals the throne from villains I placed up there in my crazy hall of fame - with Kevin Spacey's John Doe of Se7n and Kaiser Soze getting kicked out of it. (Personally speaking, I was looking for the Heath Ledger I know underneath that make up because I was too shocked and awed when I saw it the first time. He's there alright amidst the voice change and crazy "war paint." Sigh, what a waste.)
Other mentionables: Michael Caine's Alfred, Morgan Freeman's Lucius Fox, and Maggie Gyllenhaal's Rachel Dawes (I like her better than Katie Holmes).
So if you're just reading this, I suggest you march to your nearest theater and find out for yourself what I'm saying here.