Gist in a telegram: Young girl moves to new town. Falls in love. Gets married. Lives happily ever after.
What's so special?
It was one of those unusual days that I picked TWILIGHT on pure superficiality.
I know, I know, there's a saying don't judge a book by it's cover. But then I was feeling adventurous and the cover of the book showed promise ... a set of ghostly white hands holding a very red apple against a broodingly black background.
I didn't bother to read anything at the back. I wanted to surprise myself.
The cashier tips me on getting NEW MOON and ECLIPSE. "Copies are diminishing in an alarming rate and will certainly be sold out before BREAKING DAWN gets out," she says.
When the bartender gives you a free drink, chug it down.
Five cups of black coffee and six unholy hours later ... I wanted to kick myself. I should have listened.

The Romeo & Juliet plot has been rewritten, replotted, filmed, revived, sung, and twisted in so many ways that the thought of another rendition of it may make you barf. Well, leave room for one more. Take my assurance though, you won't be reaching for the bag. Even those with balance problems will scream for more vertigo and not puke. This series is just too damn good to be dismissed.
I could enumerate so many reasons yet the words in my brain fail to compose something coherent I would sound like a gibbering chimp.
But then what's the use of writing about it? I might as well plod on.

1. The heroine is as plain as brown hair and brown eyes. Like the rest of the world.
2. (Vampire + Human) - Werewolf = Half-Vampire + Werewolf = Happily Ever After. Trust me, even I got lost on that one but hey, I'm not complaining.
3. One day you might want to live in Forks, Washington.
4. "It doesn't matter." & "You're my brand of heroin."
5. Only in death shall one be "perfect."
6. Love can literally kill you, but then you allow it almost always.
7. Sex actually and ONLY occurs after marriage.
8. .... and you will be spared of the pornographic details. Thank God.
9. Damn, I have to say it: Edward Cullen.
10. The movie will be shown on Dec. 12, 2008. Read the book and have the right to say if it sucks or not. Otherwise, shut up.
I read this blog and cannot make sense of it. Sorry, my head is still stuck in some meadow in the Olympian Peninsula.