Saturday, December 02, 2006

Preamble of Me

Politics, in the ordinary sense, is the art and science of government. It is closely associated with activities concerned with seeking power, status, and other stuff that would land you in the front page of the newspaper. Sometimes, some warm place in oblivion.

I restrict my love for literal politics about issues on governments in the INTERNATIONAL sense.

Local politics I can't be bothered with. The knowledge that there is crap in the fishbowl I'm swimming in is something I have to live with yet I don't like to deal with it until the water gets cleaned. In the meantime, I'll look through the glass and watch and learn from the other folk.

The politics I'm talking about now is "politics" per se. Activities that result to something else BIGGER, whatever that may be.

Most of my personal edicts defy general, social, even religous constructions. Liberals and conservatives are both confused with where stand. And I relish in that confusion.

What I can offer though is this:

"Why be concerned of matters that matter, when there are one too many people mattering about that matter to the point it does not matter anymore. Matter about something else that will make other matters matter."

It's rough in construction, and I'm still working on it. But let me explain.

There's this saying, good intentions is the road to hell.

I'm not about good intentions nor booking up travel expeditions to hell.

I don't play for a cause because seriously, you can't win.

I play the game to win and I win because I enjoyed the game. THEN, the cause benefits from it.

I do not seek power nor prestige. I seek to make a difference IN MY OWN TERMS. And I intend to do so without being Robin Hood.

My beliefs and ideas are a class of its own. It adheres to no god nor to anyone. The results and cause it favors will speak for itself.

With this, others think I have become an insufferable "politician." They either love me or hate me to death. I drive some people into lunacy. Issues about me range from the silly to the absurd. Usually I don't mind these as these are just stories of dulled imagination, however, there are 3 farcical issues that worry me because I don't like to be sued for intellectual property. These are:

ISSUE #1: I sold my soul to Satan.
ISSUE #2: I do accounting for the Prince of the Damned on a daily basis.
ISSUE #3: Satan could be me.

Just to be clear though, I am flattered with the attention. Positive or otherwise. Nothing is more thrilling than verifying one's own existence when other people talk about you. (with a hint of sarcasm).

I am taking this opportunity to deny all three assumptions due to the hilarity of its nature. Hopefully, all detractors concerned can actually READ this (Otherwise, get someone to read it for you). Just think about this is as a sort of preamble.

Clarification to Issue #1: My soul was never been sold in Ebay. Honestly, half of the time I believe I don't have one, half of the time I borrow if the need calls for it. Satan would never be interested in me ... I never wanted to be in TV.

Clarification to Issue #2: I do my own accounting. I'm a small business enterprise with original ideas. I work for nobody else but myself. It's a bitch to compete with the HUGE bad asses out there. However, I contend that though I am just small I have more CLASS than the competition because I don't scratch kill marks on the wall. I use Microsoft Excel. And it has always been QUALITY over QUANTITY ... so I only off assholes. Morons are just for incentives.

Clarification to Issue #3: I am not Satan. I do not fight God and create my own personal HELL.
If I ever run into an ethics issue or justice issue or a territorial dispute with the High Being, WE resolve issues diplomatically.

In summary, to those who will need simpler explanations:

1. I am self-governed. I don't need to get into "power-seeking activities." I am smart. I am already powerful.
2. I am a force of my own. You either deal with me or get out of my way.
3. I like who I am so get over it. Build your pulpit somewhere else.
4. I don't have the need to like everybody and I don't have the need to have everybody like me. And the world still turns. Amazing isn't it?
5. I don't fight NEANDERTHALS with force, I take advantage of the fact that they're stupid.
6. I get to where I want because I do WHATEVER it takes to get there WITHIN REASON. I will not apologize for it.
6. I make errors of decisions, not excuses.

and lastly,

7. Never been a "politician," always been strategist.

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