Saturday, December 23, 2006

Wish List

Days ago, our little group in the office decided to have some sort of Secret Santa. Revelation day would be the last day of work before Christmas (which happened to be also our scheduled overtime).

Our team leader made us pick up the name of our "baby" from a box and distributed a sheet for us to put our own wish list (with a table for 1st choice, 2nd choice, and 3rd choice) to our personal Santa. When the list came back it really was a wish list because literally speaking, only the real Santa would ever grant those.

Of course, there were typical stuff (like someone requesting for a cologne or a lip gloss) ... the wacky ones are 1) divorce papers of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes 2) Dinner date with Prince William 3) A 40G IPOD (yeah, now that's a WISH!!! I wish had that one too!) 4) A wardobe of clothes designed by Jay (the guy who won last time in Project Runway) 5) For Paris Hilton to get knocked-up, and my favorite (I will write it down in the exact words ...6) "For Mommy Angelina Jolie & Papa Brad Pitt to adopt me pleaaaase."

With that as an inspiration ... I came up with my own impossible wish list just for the fun of it (Hey, you'll never know ... what if it does come true!!)

10. A fort in France/England/Italy. (A castle will be fine too).
9. For the government to return all my tax money. And to be exempted from paying it EVER!!
8. Bring back the E-RING Series!!! (What the hell was NBC thinking!?! Pulling the plug on this one! No wonder they're number 4!!)
7. Peter Jackson to start filming "THE HOBBIT."
6. A private audience with Audioslave, Foo Fighters, A Perfect Circle, and Trapt.
5. For someone to film any of the Neil Gaiman "Sandman" series, and Keanu Reeves should play the character of "Morpheus."
4. A Starbucks franchise of my own.
3. The Van Gogh painting "Starry, starry night" (though Edward Munch's "The SCream" will also suffice).
2. Lifetime supply of Victoria Secret underwear. ;-)
1. And as Gracie Lou Freebush said it in Miss Congeniality ...WORLD PEACE.

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

madamspud169 said...

My wish list would include:
1. A doctors appt with House m.d.
2. My toddler to become well behaved
3. To find & keep jewellery from Tiffany's
4. A flat stomach.