If JRR Tolkien is still alive, LOTR's breadth and scope will be that of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time.
The fact that Robert Jordan is alive and kicking (even health issues such as amyloidosis can't stop the non-tiring author --> Godspeed, man!) only means expansion of his universe is of daily construction. There are 11 and counting THICK books (other accompanying books not included)to prove this.
I've been stuck to Book 4: The Shadow Rising for almost 2 years now. And it's not because the book is bad. In fact, it's so darn interesting. But the inevitable circumstances such as work, movies, other books, and sleep, keep delaying me from finishing the thing.
The book is filled with so much detail that if you forgot about those details, you have to go back and read again so that you can catch up where the story is heading to. And that's what has been happening to me for the past two years.
Anyway, I'm a fan of anime and God knows how overworked my Full Metal Alchemist VCDs are. I also love Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Girl from Hell, and now my current fave is Blood +.
One afternoon while I was retracing my steps back to the Jordan's world, I was thinking that this series would make a very wonderful anime.
Why anime? Well, it's so impossible to make this into a movie due to the details and the length of the story. It's like making Tolkien's Silmarillion into a movie too (not a thick book but filled with so much detail). It's possible to make this as a TV series, but then i fear it might be done cheesily and that will be a big waste.
What makes this attractive as an anime is that the capabilities of the characters and the settings would be unlimited. You can make anything unimaginable in reality possible here.
There are wonderful anime directors out there who can make this one hell of a series. After all, anime directors are no strangers to magic, demons, magic swords, strange creatures, and virtual unknowns turning into something like a Dragon.
And besides, I'm too tired of re-reading this again and I want to move forward. If I only have a DVD copy of this (if it will ever exist)my journey with Rand Al'Thor wouldn't be as long as his.
chances of WoT showing on TV are too slim , but its a nice idea although you are the millionth person mentioning this..
but nothingis certain 'the wheel weaves what the Wheel wills '
o and BTW RIP RJ check dragonmount.com
This is a late comment. Mr. Jordan indeed passed away last Sept. 2007 ... God bless his soul. That's one less good writer in this earth.
Even though this topic is really old... I have just started reading the series. For some reason anime seems the best way to stimulate this awesome series. A movie or 13.....would probably drag out to long. And a TV series would probably not do justice to the special effects side. I think anime would be a happy medium for the two to meet in. Showing weaves of earth/air/fire/water/spirit could be done on the big screen, but again I don't think any company would invest in something that lasted for 13 separate movies (even though harry potter will apparently make it to 7). While it maybe possible to split each book into 10-13 episodes...the quality would probably lack as well as the acting. So WoT should go anime imho. Like anyone will read this lmao.
I agree.Anime is the best route to take. It would be 14 movies though.Way too long because of keeping the actors. Im sure the harry potter kid is tired,hes been acting in the same series since he was 10. Plus in an anime they can do way more for less money,so they dont have to cheapen the story.
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