Saturday, February 03, 2007

Not Never An Addict

The great/worse thing about me is that when I totally like/love something/someone, I take it to the maximum. Same statement also applies to hate.

I am an extremist ... that's why the road I travel on is constantly plagued with so much irritation, gargantuan migraines, and blundering trolls.

With that said, I think the psychological profile would classify me as a person also prone to addiction, if I'm not careful. And I take so much precaution in everything because I don't want to lose control of myself. I think I'm so good at doing it that I can actually detach myself consciously from a situation/thing/someone if I wanted to .... hence, the cold-blooded beyatch title.

While I do my darnedest to restrain myself from all the things unclean, unsafe, unfiltered, and that cute married guy in the office ... I realized I get into safe wholesome addictions just to release the pressure from too much temptations/distractions/strokes-in-evolution that surround me.

I do not abuse alcohol, I just drink socially or when I notice that the insomnia eyebags start to appear. Never touched drugs ... just administered prescribed ones to others in the hospital. I experimented with smoking, but I hated the smell (my perfume costs A LOT ... don't want it to be overpowered by the stench of cigarettes). The only 3 reasons that will make me pick a pack of Marlboro lights:

2. ESPIONAGE - hang out the dragons/dragonettes, sometimes I need to know a lot of inside info/gossips in the work place.
3. POLITICAL STRATEGY - when I want to know something from a smoke puffing superior.

Anyway, going back to safe addictions. The substance that I am guilty of abusing is coffee. My body will not start without coffee. I recall a time of my life when coffee was my water (and that was when I was in brain-deadening medical clerkship). I even ventured into the cafe business once upon a time (too bad it didn't last).

Another addiction is Lord of the Rings. My ultimate seal of geekdom. My brain is too wired in Middle Earth. Hence, the frequent lapses of autism everytime that talkative officemate blabbers about her lovelife. The crazy book reading rituals and DVD marathons ... and not to mention naming pets with Elvish or hobbit names. Then there's the adopted Elvish name I dare not mention to the unknowing public, for there are very high expectations that come with it (I think I already failed the height requirement since I'm more of a hobbit).

Then there's this anime "Fullmetal Alchemist" ... and the secret wish that someone like Col. Roy Mustang exists. Though I cannot understand a darn thing they are saying (thank you subtitlers!!!) I absolutely love the main theme (sung in Japanese) and of course, the Elrich brother's adventure for atonement.

So why am I suddenly enumerating these things? Well, my pal Chloe is to blame for a latest addition to my addiction (aside from her usual heckling of my undying loyalty to her DJ friend/crush).

She spends a weekend in my place lugging along DVDs of this Korean drama shown in the local TV every weekdays 10 PM (apparently a time when I am shackled to my office cubicle).

I was vacillating at the thought of playing that thing on my player(which I proudly vaccinated on anything tacky). Or so I thought.

I was trying to get some shut eye and was telling her to keep the volume down. When I noticed her selective deafness with my pleas, I got up and watched this JU MONG with her to figure out this fascination she has.

Well, 15 minutes turned into 30 minutes into 1 episode then into 24 episodes. I got converted real fast. She was the one prying the remote control away from me to drag me out of the house to visit Starbucks. When we got back, I resumed watching it.

You may keep your distance from scary things, but it is the virus of curiousity that will always kill the cat.

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